Your local member of the House of Representatives has noted the success of your solution to a local problem.

 Your local member of the House of Representatives has noted the success of your solution to a local problem. They want to take that level of effectiveness to Washington and address a problem on the national or world stage level. The rep is aware that you also feel passionately about a national or global problem. They ask you to prepare a similar proposal to your local one, but one that will have much broader results. Please note! The problem you address on a national or global scale does NOT have to be the same as, or even related to, the local problem you solved in Essay #3!!!! The Representative emphasizes some of the same things your local leader asked of you when you prepared your local proposal: ➢ The problem must be clearly defined and documented. ➢ The solution must be painstakingly described. You must focus on one clear solution, and you must support your reasons for believing this will work. Then you need to get practical about it. Who—what entity or individual—needs to support this initiative? (Would the Department of Agriculture be the logical group to oversee this? THE FDA? Or, possibly, the Secretary of State should be in charge. Maybe a national not-for-profit like the American Heart Association or The Literacy Volunteers would have the best resources to move your work forward. Here’s a link to US federal agencies: Here’s a site that gives you 100 national non-profits: ➢ What kind of staff will your solution need to take off? Will you recruit volunteers to support that staff? How about equipment and supplies? Will there need to be a network created to get the word to different states or to countries outside our borders? How will this group communicate? Who do they need to communicate with? How will they measure their success? The rep stresses that clear detail here is very, very important. ➢ In addition, says your Representative, realize this is a different group of readers. Let’s add a visual component, they say. In your proposal, include at least one visual that illustrates the problem or how effective the solution can be. Please do this, says your Representative, in a 7-9-page format, using Times New roman font and APA style. And get it to me, they demand, by 8:00 a.m. on Monday, November 11 This instructor needs a copy by that deadline, too. The guidelines for writing this paper are below. This paper will address a problem at the national or global level and propose a solution in 7-9 pages (including your References page). Now that you’ve masterminded a plan to solve a local problem, let’s ramp that influence and creativity up to the national scene. What problem facing the United States today is the most pressing one? How can it be solved? That’s your topic for your second argument for change. In this paper, you’ll need to include the same components you considered for the first proposal: ➢ An identification and definition of the problem. Establish that the problem you identify IS a problem. How many people are affected by it? What disadvantages or negative effects does it cause? What do experts say about this particular problem? ➢ A stated solution. What do you think is the best way to fix the problem? ➢ A discussion that convinces your audience your solution is the way to go. Is your solution fair? (It’s not a solution if it hurts as many or more people as are affected by the problem you’re addressing…) Will it work? Has it been tried in other places? Are there experts who support this path? What good evidence makes you propose this particular remedy? ➢ Consider other possible solutions. What have others tried, and how well have those solutions worked? It’s possible that what works in one area won’t work in another. In this section establish that your solution is the preferable one. ➢ Is your solution feasible? What will it cost? Who will staff the efforts? What kinds of buildings, offices, supplies, etc., are needed? Who’ll pay for all this? For this paper, you also need to include some kind of visual. It could be a photo that shows how bad the problem is. It can illustrate your solution. It could be a chart or graph. It could even be an ad or a meme that supports your proposal. Be creative and be sure the visual is relevant. Your visual should be no more than ½ of a page in size. You can place the visual wherever it makes the most sense. That could be on the title page, or it could be in the text. Remember to cite this source and top put a caption below it that tells the reader why you’ve chosen to include this visual. Of course, your paper will have an opening that engages the reader and a conclusion that leaves the reader in no doubt that your solution is THE solution. Your resources must include one of each of the following. (You may, of course, include more resources!) ➢ A library database ➢ A book ➢ A journal article ➢ An on-line source or website ➢ A visual Use APA format, with a title page, in-text citations, and a references page.