4 pages EDLE 5083 Analytical Decision Making Instructional Practices and Curricular Materials Rubric for Essays Category Criterion 1 Does not meet standard 3 Emergent 5 Outstanding Synthesis Addressed the appropriate subject assigned The student addressed the appropriate subject assigned, but there is no mention of the Arkansas State Standards. The student addressed the appropriate subject area, and conclusions were not supported in the body of the paper with mention of the Arkansas State Standards. The student addressed the appropriate subject area. Conclusions are strongly supported. Work aligned with the Arkansas State Standards. Instruction Standards NELP Arkansas State Standards Showed an understanding of four NELP standards. Did not include NELP standards Included four NELP Standards Included four NELP Standards explanation of the inclusion and how they relate to Arkansas State Standards Research and Data Used research and data-driven decision-making Provided no elements of leadership using research and other resources. Demonstrated leadership in the use of minimal research and resources to enhance the content. Demonstrated leadership in the use of research and resources to enhance the content. Writing Wrote the review with clarity and sound technique It is hard to know what the writer is trying to express. Writing is convoluted with misspelled words, poor grammar, and/or punctuation. Writing is generally clear, but unnecessary words are occasionally used. Meaning is sometimes hidden. Paragraph or sentence structure is repetitive. Writing is crisp, clear, and succinct. The writer incorporates the active voice when appropriate. APA Format References are used appropriately and in proper APA format Citations for statements included in the report were not present, or references included were not found. Citations and reference list were presented. Some formatting problems exist or components were missing. All needed citations were included in the report. References matched the citations, and all were encoded in APA format. EDLE 5083 Analytical Decision Making Instructional Practices and Curricular Materials Rubric for Discussion Posts Category Criterion 1 Does not meet standard 3 Emergent 5 Outstanding Synthesis Addressed the appropriate subject assigned The student did not address the appropriate subject assigned The student addressed the appropriate subject area, and conclusions were not supported The student addressed the appropriate subject area. Conclusions are strongly supported. Instruction Standards NELP Arkansas State Standards Included NELP standard Did not include NELP standard Included an NELP Standard Included an NELP Standard with an explanation of why it was applicable Research and Data Used research and data-driven decision-making Provided no element of research or other resource Provided an element of research or other resource Demonstrated leadership used research or resource to show how it would enhance the content. Writing Wrote the review with clarity and sound technique It is hard to know what the writer is trying to express. Writing is convoluted with misspelled words, poor grammar, or punctuation Writing is generally clear, but unnecessary words are occasionally used. Meaning is sometimes hidden. Paragraph or sentence structure is repetitive. Writing is crisp, clear, and succinct. The writer incorporates the active voice when appropriate. APA Format References are used appropriately and in proper APA format Citation for statements included were not present, or references included were not found. Citations and reference list were presented. Some formatting problems exist or components were missing. All needed citations were included in the report. References matched the citations, and all were encoded in APA format. EDLE 5083 Analytical Decision Making Instructional Technology and Informational Systems Rubric for Final Exam Category Criterion 1 Does not meet standard 3 Emergent 5 Outstanding Synthesis Survey Development No surveys included in the assignment. The surveys had some useful questions, but were not responsive to the audience. The surveys were of sufficient length and breadth to obtain useful information. Diversity Sensitive to the diverse groups The surveys were not sensitive to the diverse group needs. The surveys requested only diverse group membership. The surveys were sensitive to the diverse groups that would be giving feedback. Research and Data Statistical research questions Did not include questions and point scale responses that could be used for statistical research. Included questions, but without point scale responses that could be used for statistical research. Included questions and point scale responses that could be used for statistical research. Motivational Memo or Speech Diversity and equality in the classroom The memo or speech to was not included. The memo or speech was motivational, but it did not talk the reason or findings. The memo or speech was motivational, explained purpose, use and how to ensure equity for students. Dissemination Plan Targets all stakeholders Dissemination plan did not target all stakeholders Dissemination plan identified some stakeholders Dissemination plan was complete and targeted all stakeholders NELP Standard Demonstrated understanding of included NELP standards Did not identify NELP standards Identified NELP standards but did not isolate how they were incorporated Demonstrates the ability to use and promote NELP standards to enrich CIA Writing Written with clarity and sound technique It is hard to know what the writer is trying to express. Writing is convoluted with misspelled words, poor grammar, or punctuation Writing is generally clear, but unnecessary words are occasionally used. Meaning is sometimes hidden. Paragraph or sentence structure is repetitive. Writing is crisp, clear, and succinct. The writer incorporates the active voice when appropriate. APA Format References are used appropriately and in proper APA format Citations for statements included in the report were not present, or references included were not found. Citations and reference list were presented. Some formatting problems exist or components were missing. All needed citations were included in the report. References matched the citations, and all were encoded in APA format. |