With this assignment you have two articles associated to this week’s assignment. The first article ( “Troubling Tableau’ in 11th Circuit’s Prisoner Cases, Sotomayor Says”) looks at the efforts to limit inmates to petition the federal courts to redress wrongs to their rights. In the second article (“Coronavirus Cases Rise Sharply in Prisons Even as They Plateau Nationwide) addresses the increase in COVID 19 infections in our correctional institutions. In reviewing the articles provided for this assignment- should prisoners receive more rights than they have now? Why or why not? Should COVID 19 be a basis for the courts to order the early release of inmates from correctional facilities. Give a detailed example! https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/15/us/politics/appeals-courts-habeas-corpus-prisoners.html?searchResultPosition=3 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/16/us/coronavirus-inmates-prisons-jails.html?searchResultPosition=1 In the event you are unable to open the articles, they are also attached to this assignment. Due Date: Saturday, June 27, 2020, 11:59PM EST |