watch documentary WORD COUNT SHOULD BE 250 WORDS read “FIELD PROBLEM” FIELD PROBLEM: In June 1989 , the prodemocracy movement in China had captured the attention of people all over the world. Thousands of students gathered in the famed Tiananmen Square to demand greater freedom and democratic reforms in the Chinese government. The government responded with a massive military crackdown on the dissidents in the square, wounding and killing several of them. People who believed in universal human rights (ethical objectivists) condemned the killings as a tragic, immoral act. People in the Chinese government who rejected the notion of universal human rights (ethical relativists) said that, according to the values of Chinese society, the crackdown was morally right. ASSIGNMENT: Pretend for a moment that you are a Chinese official who uses moral relativism to defend the crackdown. In one paragraph, state your case. Then take the other side and pretend that you are a citizen of a Western nation who uses the concept of universal moral rights to condemn the crack down. In one paragraph, present your argument. Compare the arguments. Which do you think is strongest. Paragraph 1: Give the first side to the argument, per the directions. Paragraph 2: Give the opposing side. Paragraph 3: Compare the two and state which side is the stronger |