Use the news story you selected in Written Assignment 10 and post your feelings on what these changes may mean to the industry in terms of research, jobs, marketing, and profitability. PAGE 2/3 This activity will be started in this module and completed during Module 10. Identify someone who is currently involved in the drug development process. This person could be any of the following: A physician, nurse, or study coordinator who is doing (or has done) clinical research An employee of an IRB, pharmaceutical company, biotechnology company, or CRO Employee of the FDA Request to set up a meeting (in person or via teleconference) to discuss their job/experience as it relates to the drug development process. Develop a list of questions/topics to discuss during your interview. Submit your list of questions in the Written Assignment 8 submission space before conducting your interview. Note: Please be considerate of confidentiality issues during your interview. Interviewee will not be able to specifically discuss trials, research drugs, or results. USE REFERENCES PLEASE! AND CITE THESE ARE SEPATE TOPICS BE SUBMIT SEPARATELY. |