Unit 1 Interactive Assessment Choose from the three discussion questions below for this unit’s interactive assessment or create a question of your own (be encouraged to integrate material from the assigned readings within your discussion): Read chapters 1 – 7 in the Beckett text. Identify two separate Scriptures Beckett used as guidance in making business decisions? Identify one way he used Scripture to guide in resolving conflict within his company. Comment on why you believe or why you do not believe this is an appropriate way for a Christian leader to find guidance in a secular organization? Read chapters 1 – 7 in the Beckett text. In reflecting on Sherron Watkins courageous move at Enron, identify and discuss the intersection of personal values and workplace behavior. Are personal values formed from a Christian perspective beneficial or detrimental to the Christian manager or executive? In what ways can these values make the Christian executives work life more challenging? Read chapters 1 – 7 in the Beckett text. Describe your personal view of success at work? How does that view compare to your peers at work? How has your view of work been altered during this first unit of the course? (If you will send me an email if you pick any of the options other than 3 and don’t have access to the book (Mastering Monday A guide to Integrating Faith and Work John D Beckett) I can send you pictures of the applicable pages but obviously didn’t want to take pictures of 7 chapters. |