Do not use block quotes – quotes that are more than 3-4 lines long. Instead, paraphrase and put it into your own words. You should cite your quotes and examples using parenthetical citations such as this (Davidson, 12). Note the period goes AFTER the citation – consider the citation as a part of your sentence. Introduce your quotes and provide context. Explain examples and quotes thoroughly. Do not plagiarize from the internet or from other students. Plagiarism will earn you will get a zero and a meeting with the Dean. When referencing Ida B. Wells, use her full name the first time you mention her and then her last name thereafter. It’s just Wells, no ‘Miss’ or ‘Mrs.’ Do the same thing with the author and anyone else from the book that you reference. Book titles are always in Italics, no quotation marks or underline. Watch your word usage – use the terms African American (always capitalized), Black (capitalized or not but be consistent), or Person/People of Color (capitalized or not but be consistent). DO NOT use the terms ‘Negro’ or ‘Colored’ unless you are directly quoting the book. Both terms are considered offensive now. The question: Throughout the Davidson book, the author’s focus is on how Black Americans attempted to “reconstruct” ideas of race in the post-Civil War era. Men and women such as Ida B. Wells worked to forge new identities, challenge existing racism, and recreate their lives after the end of slavery in America. How did Blacks in America (including but not limited to Ida B. Wells) challenge and confront racism? In other words, how did they fight back against it and stand up to it? Give at least 5 strong and different examples taken from throughout the Davidson book (in other words, not all from chapter 1 or 2 but spread out). Be clear and detailed in your examples. Explain things thoroughly and relate your examples back to the main questions. Remember that you are writing not about the racism itself, but about the fighting back. We want a positive paper, focused on how people were actively fighting to make the world a better place, not a negative paper about the awfulness that was happening. Now, you can definitely mention the awfulness and the racism, but only to set up the fighting back. |