Thoroughly describe what legally constitutes genocide and explain why this description matters, legally and otherwise, as compared to other crimes

1.Thoroughly describe what legally constitutes genocide and explain why this description matters, legally and otherwise, as compared to other crimes related to genocide (e.g., crimes against humanity, hate crime, terrorism, or any others you can identify) that we’ve studied? (3 points, 100 words) 2.What are the sociological, historical, psychological, cultural and practical pre-conditions and precursors for the perpetration of genocide? (3 points, 95 words) 3.What does criminology have to say, if anything, about genocide and making a world where genocide is rarer and people are safer from it? How good of a job has criminology done in speaking about genocide? (4 points, 120 words) 4.What is the distinction between “illegal terrorism” and “lawful liberation movements” and why is this distinction important and often difficult? (4 points, 90 words) 5.How has terrorism, including its methods and trends and the government response to the same evolved over the past 60 years? (4 points, 90 words) 6.Who wins the Elias/Rubenstein/Pinker versus Weitz/Bauman debate as to genocide more or less frequent going forward, and why? Defend your answer. (2 points, 75 words) ***PLEASE PLACE THE ANSWERS UNDER THE QUESTIONS AND FOLLOW THE WORD LIMIT, PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS LISTED 1-6. ***PLEASE PLACE THE ANSWERS UNDER THE QUESTIONS AND FOLLOW THE WORD LIMIT, PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS LISTED 1-6. ***PLEASE PLACE THE ANSWERS UNDER THE QUESTIONS AND FOLLOW THE WORD LIMIT, PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS LISTED 1-6.


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