This is a literature review of the following resources: Accapadi, M. M. (2007). When White Women Cry:

This is a literature review of the following resources: Accapadi, M. M. (2007). When White Women Cry: How white Women’s Tears Oppress Women of Color. The College Student Affairs Journal, 26 (2), pp. 208-215. Adams, M. (Ed.). (2013). Readings for diversity and social justice. “Theoretical Foundations for Social Justice Education.” 35-64. New York, NY. Routledge Beauboeuf-Lafontant, T. (2018). The New Howard Woman: Dean Lucy Diggs Slowe and the Education of a Modern Black Femininity. (Essay). Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism, 17(1), 25–48. Carbrera, N. L. (2017). White Immunity: Working Through Some of the Pedagogical Pitfalls of “Privilege”. Journal Committed to Social Change on Race and Ethnicity 3(1), 78-90. Delgado, R., & Stefancic, J. (2017). Critical race theory: An introduction. New York, NY. NYU Press. Gardner Jr, L., Barrett, T. G., & Pearson, L. C. (2014). African American administrators at PWIs: Enablers of and barriers to career success. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 7(4), 235. Gasman, M., Abiola, U., & Travers, C. (2015). Diversity and senior leadership at elite institutions of higher education. Journal of diversity in higher education, 8(1), 1. Greenleaf, R. (2014). WHO IS THE SERVANT-LEADER? The International Journal of Servant-Leadership, 10(1), 17–22. Hevel, M. (2016). Toward a History of Student Affairs: A Synthesis of Research, 1996-2015. Magolda, P. M., & Magolda, M. B. B. (Eds.). (2013). Contested issues in student affairs: Diverse perspectives and respectful dialogue. Sterling, VA. Stylus Marina, B., & Fonteneau, D. (2012). Servant leaders who picked up the broken glass. (African American women) (Essay). Journal of Pan African Studies, 5(2), 67–83. Patton, S. (2013). At the Ivies, it’s still White at the top. Chronicle of Higher Education, 59(39), A4-A12. Ruth Simmons: President of Brown University. (2000). The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, 30, 21. Williams, D. A. (2013). Strategic diversity leadership: Activating change and transformation higher education. Stylus Publishing, LLC. Wolfe, B. L., & Dilworth, P. P. (2015). Transitioning normalcy: Organizational culture, African American administrators, and diversity leadership in higher education. Review of Educational Research, 85(4), 667-697.