This discussion is based on Case 3: Harry Lindsol’s TextBook Decision: An eBook or a Traditional College Textbook (page C-26), which students are required to read for Unit 2. Please select one of the following questions and respond according to the discussion participation guidelines. Your response must convey an understanding of the case as well as the ability to apply concepts covered in the assigned chapter readings. Describe the competing business models of traditional textbooks and etextbooks. How do the customer value propositions of the two textbook formats compare? How are the profit formulas of paper textbooks and etextbooks different? How do textbook platforms that include online tutorials affect the customer value proposition of textbooks? Does the addition of such online materials affect the profit formula for a textbook? Explain. What factors are driving change in the textbook industry? What is your assessment of the impact of these driving forces of change? What are the key factors of success in the textbook industry? List and discuss the resources and competitive capabilities are required to achieve success in the industry? What are your recommendations to Professor Lindsol concerning his interest in launching a new venture specializing in etextbooks? |