The Perfect Penis And The Perfect Vagina

After watching My Perfect Vagina: and My Penis and Everyone Else’s: Answer the following questions in a 350-word Comparative Essay: How does the labiasplasty film compare to the penile enlargement film? What is the running theme that both films have in common? What are your personal thoughts on altering genitals for cosmetic purposes? Be sure your essay is a well-developed. Use examples from the films, the eText and the lectures. If you write only 1-2 sentences for each question, you will not get full credit. It MUST be a well-developed 350-word essay. Use in-text citations and include a Works Cited page at the end. You will be submitting this through TurnItIn so you must be VERY CAREFUL not to plagiarize (or it could result in a 0%). RUBRIC for writing assignments.docx DUE Tuesday, May 28,11am