In a 5-6 page paper (not including title page, abstract, references, and exhibits), supplemented by a PowerPoint deck (4-5 slides), address the following elements (identifying each one with a major section heading and subheadings as needed): Should ARL change the weightings of performance objectives and competencies? Discuss. Should ARL make adjustments to increment levels? What additional changes would you recommend to improve the PMS at ARL? Design a 4-5 slide presentation to be made by Asif Saeed to the board at ARL. Provide a Biblical perspective on your analysis. Offer specific Bible verses to support your comments. As you address each section, be sure to apply specific concepts and practices from the assigned readings for Units 1-3. In developing your response, you must leverage at least three sources, two of which must be from scholarly, peer-reviewed publications. Although you are encouraged to conduct your own research, you may include the text as one of the scholarly sources. Provide your responses in an MS Word or PDF-formatted document, using specific section headings to differentiate each answer by question number/title. The response should be formatted as a double-spaced document with a title page, per APA Guidelines. Please do not provide block quotations from the case study, rather, provide your own summary and analysis of the case. |