Welcome to the Week 5 discussion board! As I mentioned in my lecture this week, I’d like you to complete a close reading of the assigned odes. Next, I’d like you to choose one of the assigned odes and annotate it. What stands out to you? Is anything unclear? This exercise provides an opportunity for you to closely consider the literary elements such as imagery that play a role in the poem. It also allows you to closely study a poem and use it as a model for your own writing. 1. c “Ode to a Drone” by Amit Majmudar, “Ode to My Hands” by Tim Seibles, “Ode to the Tampon” by Sharon Olds, “Ode to Teachers” by Pat Mora, and “In Praise of Okra” (Links to an external site.) by January Gill O’Neil. 3. Submit rough draft of original ode 4. Contribute to the Week 5 Discussion Board *5. Optional: “Contemporary Odes to the Mundane” by Stacey Balkun I have a few questions about the assigned odes to get us started. As always, I also invite you to raise any questions you may have about the poems. 1. An ode is a “praise poem.” What does the poem’s title tell us about the speaker’s attitude toward the subject matter? 2. What is your favorite image from the poem? How does it contribute to the poem as a whole and what makes it a successful image? 3. Choose a favorite line from the poem. What stands out to you about it and how does it contribute to the poem as a whole? 4. Do you like the poem? Why or why not? |