MY TOPIC IS PATIENT FIRST URGENT CARE IN HAMILTON Performance Assessment Report using the Baldrige criteria. This is a semester-long project that should be started at the beginning of the semester. You will complete it in multiple steps detailed within the Guidelines section below. The final project has four deliverables (one of which is optional) for approval, feedback, or grading by the mentor. Please consult the Course Calendar for the due dates for each deliverable. Deliverable 1: Organization Selection Submit (1) a description of your proposed organization to be used for the assessment report, including why you believe it would be a good candidate for an assessment; (2) the size of organization, including staffing levels; and (3) a brief description of how you plan to collect the information needed as a response to this topic. The mentor will respond with questions/approval. If the mentor does not approve your selection, you are required to resubmit the proposal. Deliverable 2: Organizational Profile Submit the organizational profile of your selected organization using the most current Baldrige criteria. Make sure to cover all sections of P.1 and P.2. Bullet form is acceptable. Deliverable 3: Interim Report (Optional) For the interim report, submit your assessment of senior leadership (Category 1). Therefore, you will complete Step 3, under the Guidelines. You will first describe the “how” for the criteria questions selected (one of the two criteria questions for 1.1 such as 1.1a(1), a(2), a(3) and one of the two criteria questions for 1.2) and then assess the “how well” in terms of strengths and opportunities for improvement. Next, you will select a percent score for Category 1 using the Scoring Table and then justify the score given (Step 5). The mentor will provide feedback on your submission to help make sure you are on the right track for your final report. There will be no grade for the interim report, only the mentor’s feedback. This is optional but highly recommended. Deliverable 4: Performance Assessment Report The final Performance Assessment Report should include Steps 2 through 9 of the Guidelines below. The report should be 3750 to 6900 words (15 to 25 double-spaced pages). If you have questions about the requirements of the project, be sure to discuss them with your mentor well in advance of the final submission. You can ask any questions using the Final Project Q&A Discussion Forum in the Final Project section of the course website. Course objectives covered in the final project include CO 1, CO 2, CO 4, CO 5 GUIDELINES The final project requires you to conduct a performance assessment of an organization using the Baldrige Criteria. You may choose your own organization for evaluation (a major unit, subsidiary, etc.) or choose an organization about which you can get inside information. You may not choose a Baldrige award winner. Also, please provide a paragraph on how you plan to obtain information for your assessment from the organization selected (e.g., surveys, structured interviews, information from the organization’s intranet). Obtain approval from the mentor on the organization selected and the approach for information collection by the due date given in the Course Calendar. Step 1. Write a profile of the organization using the most current Baldrige Criteria, as described in Sections P.1 and P.2. You can use a bullet format. Please align the write-ups for the profile with the various sections of the profile; for example, P.1 a (1). The profile should give the reader a good overall picture of the organization you are evaluating. Step 2. Develop and document in detail the approach you took to conduct the assessment (steps taken, interviews conducted, how you collected information, and how you determined the “how” and “how well”). Step 3. Conduct a self-assessment using the criteria questions contained in Categories 1 through 6. You must respond to what you believe are the major questions in each Category item (e.g., Item 1.1 and Item 1.2 in Category 1). Thus, for Item 1.1, you address 1.1 a(1), a(2), a(3). There is no requirement to respond to all of the criteria questions, only the major questions in each item that you believe are important to the organization you selected for assessment. However, you are required to cover all items in Categories 1 through 6. The responses to these questions are “how” the organization is presently attempting to meet the requirements of the criteria questions. Keep the “how” brief. The next step is your assessment of “how well” the organization is meeting the requirements of the criteria questions. This assessment then forms the basis of the creation of an organization’s strengths and opportunities for improvement (OFI). Reference/link each strength and OFI to the appropriate criteria question using the criteria number. (Make sure you understand p. 30 of Criteria on Process Items.) Step 4. Summarize all of your strengths and OFIs by Baldrige category and denote the level of importance you place on them in terms of high, medium, and low. These are the “how wells.” Step 5. Develop a percent score for Categories 1 through 6 using the Process Scoring Guidelines. For example, you would give Leadership a percent score, Strategy a percent score, and so on. Also provide a few sentences justifying your scores for each of the six categories using both your findings and the guidelines listed in the Scoring Table. The percent score should be in 5% increments; thus, a score of 35%, 40%, and so on. Please note that Baldrige award winning organizations score in the 55 to 70% range for each category. Step 6. Identify the five most vital OFIs in terms of greatest impact on organizational performance. Expand on these in narrative format (2 to 4 sentences for each) to justify your selections in terms of their impact on the organization and on organizational performance. Step 7. Select the two most critical of these five OFIs and justify why you selected them. Step 8. Next develop action plans for their implementation. In the action plans, identify baseline performance measures to quantify the current situation. Provide quantitative data or descriptive information for the current baseline situation. For example, if the baseline measure is timeliness, then what is the current timeliness of the existing process? Also include the expected impact of your recommendations for improvement. The plans should include major actions, milestone dates, and potential benefits. Keep in mind that the action plans are simply your best guess. Step 9. Given your proposal for changes, please provide the expected reception from management if you were to present your recommendations for change to management. Three options are offered for getting management’s reaction: Provide your Performance Assessment Report to management for their review. Discuss the report with them and get their reaction. Surmise what reaction they would have given and justify in a few sentences why you believe you would get this reaction. For example, it could be based on previous efforts to improve organizational performance. The following is a sample Table of Contents for Steps 2 to 9: TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Approach to Conducting Performance Assessment Leadership (Category 1) Self-Assessment 1.1 and 1.2 Strategy (Category 2) Self-Assessment 2.1 and 2.2 Customer (Category 3) Self-Assessment 3.1 and 3.2 Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management (Category 4) Self-Assessment 4.1 and 4.2 Workforce (Category 5) Self-Assessment 5.1 and 5.2 Operations (Category 6) Self-Assessment 6.1 and 6.2 Summary of All Strengths and OFIs by Criterion Scoring for Categories 1 through 6 and Justification Five Most Vital Opportunities for Improvement Top Two Opportunities for Improvement Sample Action Plan 1 Sample Action Plan 2 Management Reaction to Assessment Report Conclusion Helpful Resources and Hints For helpful information on the self-assessment process, helpful hints on conducting a self-assessment, and associated resources, visit the Baldrige Self-Assessing area. In addition, take a look at the PowerPoint slides on Self-Assessing Your Organization with the Baldrige Excellence Framework. The following links provide some guidance on Step 4 of the assessment report. They show the bullet format to use in identifying the key strengths and opportunities for improvement (OFIs) for each category. Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center Feedback Report: look at the format beginning on page 10. Nightingale College of Nursing Feedback Report: look at format beginning on page 9. Look over some of the application summaries of previous Baldrige award recipients to get an idea on how to write your organizational profile and how these organizations addressed the “how.” This should be of help in addressing Steps 1 and 3. Scoring Guideline Hints. In applying the Scoring Guidelines, one needs to focus on the words that provide the differentiation from one range to the next. For example, in the Approach dimension, examiners determine if the response is at the Basic, Overall, or Multiple Requirement level. For example, an organization may have a systematic Approach responsive to the Overall requirements of the item while the Deployment is in the early stages in some work units. Learning (evaluation and improvement) is evident, but the approach is in the early stages of alignment (Integration). Recommended Method—The approach taught at the Baldrige examiner training each year is to start in the middle, at the 50 to 65% scoring range. Then, based on a separate determination for each of the scoring dimensions, examiners decide if this scoring range represents “the best fit.” If not, examiners are asked to decide if the applicant is less mature (move to a lower scoring range) or more mature (move to a higher scoring range). WRITING AND RESEARCH RESOURCES The following links provide online writing and research aids to help you with your paper assignments. OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue University Writer’s Handbook, the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin–Madison APA Guidelines Information Literacy for TESU Students (an online guide from the New Jersey State Library to assist you in starting your research, searching databases for articles, citing sources, using ILLiad to request books or articles, etc.)