Not All Decisions Are the Same Consumer-buying decisions fall along with three categories: 1) habitual decision making, such as deciding to purchase

Not All Decisions Are the Same Consumer-buying decisions fall along with three categories: 1) habitual decision making, such as deciding to purchase a box of cereal, 2) limited problem solving, consumers do some work to make a decision but not a great deal and 3) extended problem-solving, such as deciding to purchase a new car. Furthermore, when consumers engage in extensive problem solving, they carefully go through the Consumer Decision-Making Process steps (Figure 6.2) For this discussion: Review the consumer decision-making process in section 6.2 of the e-text. Then describe an extended problem-solving decision purchase you made using each of the 5 steps outlined in the consumer decision-making process: problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, product choice, and post-purchase evaluation. Please be as detailed as possible and utilize the knowledge learned in our lecture this week in your responses to the above questions. It is required to respond to my post and to a minimum of 2 of your classmates’ posts by 11:59 PM on Saturday. Additionally, please pay attention to your spelling and grammar! Book: