Please Rewriting these below: Question 1 : For of each of the following indicate how important it is your life? Answers: Family Question 2 : Here is a list of questions that children can be encouraged to learn at home. What is consider to be especially important? Answers: hard work Questions 3 : On this list are various of people. Could you please mention any that you would not like to have as neighbors? Answers: Alochol drinker Questions: Are you currently? Answers: Single Question 5 :Have you had any children? Answers: No children Explain why these questions reflect best practices? Answers: There are many reasons why these 5 questions best practices They are related to the survey of the World . You conduct survey analysis on the these questions . The World Value Survey is a global research project that explores moving upward on this map reflects the shift from Traditional values to secular rational selected from the World Value Survey reflect widely accepted international. Explain why you believe these questions have value? Answers: Many questions / Survey have contain to these because of Public safety related problem Add more about World Value Survey . |