Evaluate These Claims By Using The Search Method

correlate one of the claims under EVALUATE THESE CLAIMS BY USING THE SEARCH METHOD with a video in the content area. VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwhcF2tTefQ SEARCH METHOD: State the claim, Examine the evidence for the claim, Consider alternative hypothesis, Rate according to the criteria of adequacy, each hypothesis. CLAIM: There is a phenomenon known as “spontaneous human combustion” in which most of the victim’s body, as well as the chair the person was sitting in, is found burned to ashes but the rest of the objects in the room are relatively unaffected. This phenomenon suggests that there is a new type of subatomic particle a “pyroton” that interacts with cells and causes the victim to burst into flame.- L. Arnold, Ablaze! (New York: M. Evans, 1995).