Each student will select a specific white collar criminal, do research and submit a written report on their selected topic. The paper will be judged on both the quality of the content and on the quality of the composition based on the rubric posted on the syllabus. The page should be approx. 6-8 pages in length, APA/MLA format, double-spaced, 12 point font, etc… Please include all references and/or citations in the bibliography as well. SCHOLARLY WRITING ASSIGNMENTS/SHOR PAPERS GRADING RUBRIC Writing/research assignments are scholarly activities and will be evaluated carefully using the scoring rubrics below. Quality of content not quantity determines the points earned. Assignments posted late will automatically drop three points each day starting with the due date. Except where noted Scholarly Writing/ Research Assignments are worth 100 points based on the following rubrics. See syllabus and/or rubric located below… |