Discuss the candidate selection system today.

Dear Students, Please submit your thesis statement of your term paper by this Saturday (Week 3). In order to prepare a thesis statement, please review what you learned in your English class. In addition, you can find additional information here: http://grammar.about.com/od/tz/g/Thesis-Statement.htm Chapter 9 covers Campaigns and Elections. Topic: Discuss the candidate selection system today. Is a national primary a good idea? Why or why not? Please follow the guidelines shown below: 1. Provide a thesis statement by Saturday, MARCH 20 (Week 3). In order to prepare a thesis statement, please review what you learned in your English class. In addition, you can find additional information here: http://grammar.about.com/od/tz/g/Thesis-Statement.htm This is worth 2 points. 2. Provide a list of at least three (3) sources by Saturday, MARCH 27 (Week 4). Please do NOT use the E-Text as one of your sources. DO NOT cite Wikipedia or any other non-professional/non-academic websites. Best practice is to use professional journals. Please create your list as an APA reference list. Berkeley College subscribes to several of them, please talk to a Berkeley College librarian if you need assistance. If you have trouble using library resources, please contact a Berkeley College librarian. You can find information about how to contact your librarians here: Online Student Library Support. This is worth 2 points. 3. Pages: minimum four (4) FULL pages (excluding Sources/Bibliography) in Word format.