Read chapters 5 – 7 in the Blackaby & Blackaby text. Read verses and notes listed in Leadership Qualities: Character in the Maxwell Leadership Bible (p. 1609). Read verses and notes listed in Leadership Issues: Prayer in the Maxwell Leadership Bible (p. 1618). After reading these sections: Discuss common sources of influence in leadership in light of Blackaby & Blackaby’s analysis. Consider similarities and differences between secular and spiritual leaders. Address how Maxwell & Elmore’s treatment of Leadership Qualities: Character compares or contrasts with the comments in chapter 6 of Blackaby & Blackaby. Compare Blackaby & Blackaby’s comments in “Leaders Pray” with Maxwell & Elmore’s treatment of Leadership Issues: Prayer. Convey your thoughts about the readings (What did you agree with, disagree with, etc.). In discussing these elements, provide examples from your experiences or readings that illustrate the points made by Blackaby & Blackaby and/or Maxwell & Elmore. |