This is the final step from order number (Job429) Step 3: Course Project: College Students (Final Paper) The Final Course Project assignment (5-7 pages excluding title and reference pages) is the final component of the course project. Integrate it with Module 3 and Module 7 assignments and present as one paper. The information gathered for Module 7 will be used in your final paper. Do not simply insert the entire annotated bibliography. The reference information from Module 7 should be included in your final reference list. A scholarly paper presents the reader with an informed argument or perspective about a topic. For this paper, you will reflect on the results of your research findings, present ideas, and integrate course resources to help you formulate your own prospective about a topic. Include barriers this student population must overcome including suggestions for success. Presentation Guidelines: Title Page: Course Project: your title here Introduction: Describe the topic you studied and why you selected the topic. Describe the overall project. Body: Length will be a result of the length of Module 3, Module 7, and Final Paper assignments, not including title and reference pages. Conclusion: The conclusion is comprehensive of all three assignments. Discuss your perspectives about the topic and its impact. Reference list (minimum of five references) |