Complete a travel brochure for a city or country found in one of the films you have watched this semester.

Complete a travel brochure for a city or country found in one of the films you have watched this semester. The brochure should include a brief history of the city or country, local customs and cultures, activities, travel tips, suggestions relating to local laws, and any other information you believe to be relevant. Include images. Try and sell us on why we should be interested in visiting this place once we can (someday). Note: A brochure is not a singular sheet of paper, please be aware that a brochure is typically folded over into three equal parts, front and back. See the examples below of past submissions and consider using the template in the Microsoft package (link below). I watched the movie “93 Days” about the Ebola outbreak, and so the country I’m choosing for this assignment is Nigeria. However, as directions state, it can be either country OR city in the country I chose. So please pick either Nigeria overall to do the brochure on or a well-known city in Nigeria that has all the requests for this assignment to make it desirable to travel to. Please include visual aids to make this travel brochure attractive and appealing to potential travelers. I have attached PDFs of travel brochures of Chile and Norway as examples of how the professor wants this assignment.