Choose from the three discussion questions below for this unit’s interactive assessment (be encouraged to integrate material

Choose from the three discussion questions below for this unit’s interactive assessment (be encouraged to integrate material from the assigned readings within your discussion). The book used is Mastering Monday: A Guide to Integrating Faith and Work Hardcover – June 16, 2006 I am including uploads of chapter 8 and 9 if you need more let me know there are just a lot of pages. by John D. Beckett Read chapters 8 – 13 in the Beckett text. What is the role of trust in integrating faith and work? Please provide examples to support your answer. Read chapters 8 – 13 in the Beckett text. How does the expansion of God’s kingdom impact workplace relationships? How do Christians evaluate their personal and professional goals in light of a Biblical worldview (evaluate several verses within the Book of Proverbs regarding work and riches)? Read chapters 8 – 13 in the Beckett text. How does a Christian reconcile the need to pursue financial goals, especially in business, with the need to serve others? What is the purpose of business from God’s perspective?