1. As the chapter points out, there are various new challenges to the Intelligence Community. One of these challenges was the issue of technology. Not are we more reliant on technology, as these last three weeks have demonstrated, but this same “life line” can be our vulnerability- be Alexa or Siri “inadvertently” listening to our conversations. As much as technology has enhanced almost every aspect of our lives- there are real concerns in how this rapid growth in technology may impact on our privacy. In the series of links included with this discussion, identify the threat to our privacy by the use of technology and its intrusion into our privacy under the guise of public safety! Under the current circumstances does COVID 19 pandemic justify the use of the technologies identified in the links? Utilize the materials in the text and the links below to justify your opinion! https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/04/tech/location-tracking-florida-coronavirus/index.html (Links to an external site.) https://www.wired.com/story/phones-track-spread-covid19-good-idea/ (Links to an external site.) https://www.kfvs12.com/2020/04/03/tenn-gov-issues-stay-home-order-after-reviewing-cell-phone-tracking-data/ (Links to an external site.) https://www.unacast.com/covid19/social-distancing-scoreboard (Links to an external site.) https://www.gpsworld.com/19-countries-track-mobile-locations-to-fight-covid-19/ (Links to an external site.) https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/31/business/coronavirus-airlines-contact-tracing-cdc.html?searchResultPosition=2 (Links to an external site.) https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/23/technology/coronavirus-surveillance-tracking-privacy.html?searchResultPosition=9 2. As the Chapter points out, the Director of National Intelligence’s Vision 2015- Persistent Threats and Emerging Missions- there are at least 14 identified threats that the Intelligence Community will face in this century. If you were the DNI, what do you believe are the three most significant threats (e.g. globalization, technology, domestic terrorism) and the to the Intelligence Community and why? In addition, what measures would you implement to better prepare the IC to face these threats and challenges. In replying, do not just agree with the original posted Discussion- but explain what threats you might belief are a greater concern and why? |