Argument Reconstruction In The Will to Believe, William James defends the following conclusion: “Our passional nature not only lawfully may, but must, decide an option between propositions, whenever it is a genuine option that cannot by its nature be decided on intellectual grounds; for to say, under such circumstances, “Do not decide but leave the question open, is itself a passional decision—just like deciding yes or no—and attended with the same risk of losing the truth.” (110) Fully, fairly, and in your own words, reconstruct James’s argument for this conclusion. There neither a page number requirement nor a word count requirement. Due Date: Your paper must be turned in via Canvas by midnight on September 19th. Do not turn in a hard copy in class. Late papers will be docked 2 points per day late. A few things: Just the argument reconstruction. No introductory paragraph. No concluding paragraph. Don’t quote. Reconstruct the argument in your own words. Use no outside sources, just your own wonderful brain and the text. Even though no outside sources are required, you must provide proper citations to James. (MLA or APA format works