Alzheimer’s Disease

Power point presentation references need to be less than 5 years old nothing after 2015. Introduce the disease with a brief definition and description. Discuss the Risk Factors and the connection to the Etiology of the initial injury to the cell/tissue/organ. Show the progression from the initial injury to the defect in the tissue, organ and system functioning. Discuss health care provider implications for prevention of the disease. Provide a summary slide that highlights main points presented. Link changes in the tissue, organ, and system functioning to the initial presenting signs and symptoms seen in primary care of the disease. Provide a brief description of how the disease is diagnosed. Provide a brief description of the pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions used to treat and manage the disease. Summarizes the disease on the final slide with concluding remarks; includes implication for nurse practitioner practice. Reference slide and in-text citations depict references correctly cited according to APA. Utilizes at least two current (within 5 years), peer-review scholarly sources to support presentation content. Reference slide and in-text citations depict references correctly cited according to APA.