After reading the Speciality Medical case, respond to the following issues in written form.

fter reading the Speciality Medical case, respond to the following issues in written form. For the new organization structure, who would you place in the various positions based on their personality, skills and abilities? Assess each personality using the Big 5 Personality Model discussed in Robbins, and justify your choices. Who would you demote and get rid of based on your assessment? Why? What can Carl Burke do to build a more cohesive and effective leadership team given your assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of each person from question 1? Based on Burke’s assessment of the company, what do you think of the idea of bringing in an outsider to assess Burke’s direct reports? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach? What do you think are the major challenges facing the field of OB? How does this case study illustrate some of them? [MO1.1,