I don’t need a title page. Pages 2/3- 2 in-text citation in each page (Choose a nonprofit organization/business and utilize the topics from this course to build your paper. Choose some content from the competencies covered so far and explain how you would use it in your company? What would be the positive and negative aspects of the topics/content you chose…?) It must include reference to Henri Fayol’s 14 Principles of management from Competency 1. 3. Pages 3/4- 2 in text citation in each page (Plan of Action: Create a plan using your proposed organizational management structure and design changes. What would these changes accomplished and how you will go about achieving that goal? Use terms/vocabulary/content from this course to create this plan.) Minimum of 2 graphs, bars or plots that you created showing projected 3-year growth (data is made up by you “not real”) by utilizing your proposed changes to the structure and design. 4. Last page (Reference page): The paper must include a minimum of three references (Peer Reviewed Articles). Websites can be additional but not part of the required references. |