Origin And Development Of The Texas Constitution

Prepare at least two drafts of a written response to a question related to the material.  You will be evaluated using the following critical thinking standards • Clarity: What do you mean? • Relevance: How is this related to that? • Accuracy: Is that true? How do you know? According to whom? • Precision: For example? What specifically do you mean? • Logic: Does this follow from that? Does this make sense? • Breadth: Is there another way to look at this?  How would this look from a ___ perspective? • Depth: What makes this difficult? What makes this complicated? • Significance: Is that the most important point? • Fairness: What’s your angle?  Where is your interest in this? Are you being fair to X? * These Questions will require you to explore additional material beyond what you find in the textbook.  Each response must be typed and annotated according to the standards outlined either by the Modern Language Association or the Chicago Manual of Style.


Directions: Please respond to one of the following essay prompts.  Your response must be about 1000 words in length, and must adhere to a standard manuscript form.  Be sure to support your argument with specific references to primary or secondary sources.


1. According to the late political scientist Daniel Elazar (1934–1999), political culture in the United States, although geographically diverse, nevertheless is characterized by features from three major strains: Traditionalism, Individualism and Moralism.  Is this assessment valid for describing the political culture of Texas?  If so, which features are most evident?  If not, how else would you describe Texas political culture?  Is this overall political culture likely to change? Why or why not?  Please use specific examples from recent historical developments in Texas and your own experience.


Some possible sources to consider include:  * Elazar, Daniel Judah. American federalism: A view from the states. New York: Crowell, 1972. * Johnson, Charles A. “Political culture in American states: Elazar’s formulation examined.” American Journal of Political Science (1976): 491-509. * Sharkansky, Ira. “The utility of Elazar’s political culture: A research note.” Polity2, no. 1 (1969): 66-83.


2. In their survey of the Texas political landscape, Paul Benson, David Clinkscale and Anthony Giardino have emphasized the influence of geography on what they call the “Texas Mosaic”.  Based on your observation of the political environment, what geographic factors have the greatest impact on Texas political culture? Why? Some possible sources to consider include:   * Benson, Paul, David Clinkscale and Anthony Giardino. Lone Star Politics. Pearson, 2016. * Johnston Ron, Fred M. Shelley and Peter Taylor, eds.. Developments in Electoral Geography (Routledge Library Editions: Political Geography) Vol.7. Routledge, 2014 * Lind, Michael. Made in Texas: George W. Bush and the southern takeover of American politics. Basic Books, 2009.


3. The last century has seen three significant migrations that have directly affected Texas: The Great Depression, the Northern Migration from Central and South America, and the Southern Migration from the Midwest.  Given the historical context of Texas’ political development, which of these migrations have had the greatest impact on the current political landscape of the State of Texas?  Why? Some possible sources to consider include:  * Frank, Thomas. What’s the Matter with Kansas? How conservatives won the heart of America. Metropolitan Books, 2007. * Johnston Ron, Fred M. Shelley and Peter Taylor, eds.. Developments in Electoral Geography (Routledge Library Editions: Political Geography) Vol.7. Routledge, 2014 * Lind, Michael. Made in Texas: George W. Bush and the southern takeover of American politics. Basic Books, 2009. * McKee, Seth C. and Daron R. Shaw. “Redistricting in Texas: Institutionalizing Republican Ascendancy.” 2005 * Spencer, David. Clandestine Crossings: Migrants and Coyotes on the Texas-Mexico Border.  Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 2009.


4. The late political scientist John E. Paynter once remarked that the Texas Constitution stands as a “perfect example of how not to write one.”  Why do you think he, or anyone else for that matter, would say this?  What features of the Texas Constitution support Paynter’s claim? Some possible sources to consider include:   * Bruff, Harold H. “Separation of Powers under the Texas Constitution.” Texas Law Review, 68. (1990): 1337. * Cornyn, John. “Roots of the Texas Constitution: Settlement to Statehood, The.” Texas Tech Law Review. 26 (1995): 1089. * Harrington, James C. “Privacy and the Texas Constitution.” Vt. L. Rev. 13 (1988): 155. * Thomas Jr, A. J., and Ann Van Wynen Thomas. “Texas Constitution of 1876.”Tex. L. Rev. 35 (1956): 907.