Choose one of the following essays. *Option #1 Choose one main character in A Grain of Wheat and discuss his or her betrayal of the freedom struggle. Weigh the ideals of the freedom struggle with the character’s efforts to meet the demands of the Mau Mau. Analyze the redemptive quality of reconciliation by comparing the seeds of new life such as forgiveness and love with the seeds of destruction such as guilt and betrayal. Discuss the following points in your essay and give examples and cite quotes in the text to support your points: -the character’s motivation for participating in the freedom struggle. -the failure to meet his or her ideals and the ensuing guilt. -the individual’s betrayal of the Mau Mau freedom struggle. -the betrayal of the individual by other characters in the novel. -the redemption of failure and guilt. -the movement from death into new life. -the demands of the freedom struggle on the individual. *Option #2 Choose one main character in A Grain of Wheat and discuss his or her betrayal of him or her self and loved ones. Weigh the character’s ideals with his or her efforts to meet the responsibility of relationships with others. Analyze the redemptive quality of reconciliation by comparing the seeds of new life such as forgiveness and love with the seeds of destruction such as guilt and betrayal. Discuss the following points in your essay and give examples and cite quotes in the text to support your points: -the character’s motivation for participating in relationships with others. -the failure to meet his or her ideals and the ensuing guilt. -the individual’s betrayal of loved ones. -the betrayal of the individual by other characters in the novel. -the redemption of failure and guilt. -the movement from death into new life. -the demands of the freedom struggle on the individual. |