1. A researcher obtains a correlation coefficient of r = .434, which is not quite significant (the critical value is .44

Choose ONE of the discussion questions below for this unit’s discussion board forum and respond according to the discussion guidelines found in our syllabus. Please be sure to integrate specific material from assigned readings and cite external, scholarly sources within your discussion posts:

  1. A researcher obtains a correlation coefficient of r = .434, which is not quite significant (the critical value is .44). Several participants, however, behaved contrary to the researcher’s predictions. The study has potential life-saving applications, so to produce a significant r, the researcher eliminates the data from these “bad” participants and publishes the study. What is your reaction to this decision? Cite relevant Biblical passages to support your stance.


  1. Review Case 3-1A Murphy Brothers Furniture on page 94 in Hanke & Wichern, 2009. Share your perspective on the case in light of the assigned readings, addressing Questions 1, 3, and 4 in your response.


Review Case 3-3 Consumer Credit Counseling on page 98 in Hanke & Wichern, 2009. Share your perspective on the case in light of the assigned readings, addressing Question 2 in your response.